Know Better, Do Better

Kate Rosello


Kate graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2022 with a Mathematics (B.S.) degree from Duquesne University. She was a favorite of students at Absolute Value while she was completing her college degree, and although she now works full-time for Federated Hermes, Kate still shares her time and expertise helping students learn and master advanced math concepts at our center.

A woman with long hair and a white shirt.

Classes Offered

Browse through the classes offerd by Heather below.

Meet Our Staff

Our teachers are professionals with years of real experience in their fields, and a passion for sharing their love of learning with our students. We have an expert for every class we offer, whether it be math, English, science, art, music, or technology. Meet our instructors below.

Owner | English Instructor

Owner |Technology and Music Instructor

Administrative Assistant