Know Better, Do Better

Lifelong Learning

The importance of continuing to learn as you age cannot be overstated. Countless studies show the cognitive and social benefits for older adults who learn new skills and topics. During a recent study, researchers tested the memory and attention span of older adults before and after enrolling in weekly classes. The results were remarkable. After completing courses on language, art, technology and more, the students scored much higher in cognitive tests and continued to show long-term improvements.

This is good news, especially in a country where 73% of adults consider themselves “lifelong learners.” People have plenty of reasons to continue their education in adulthood. Learning something new can help you land an exciting job or earn a promotion, find a new hobby, strengthen social connections and improve overall wellness. 

Many people believe classes are for full-time students in school pursuing a degree, whether that be a high school diploma or a PhD. The truth is, continuing education courses are for everyone, regardless of the end goal. 

At Absolute Value Academy, the courses go far beyond ‘traditional tutoring.’ Someone looking to learn about art can take a course on digital illustration or filmmaking. People who need help using technology — whether it’s how to use an iPhone or how to keep your private information secure online — can benefit from lessons. Even taking a class to become a master chess player is a way to engage your mind as a lifelong learner. 

No matter what you decide to study, scientists have made it clear: the best way to stay sharp as you age is to learn something new. Absolute Value Academy is here to help you do just that. 

A man standing next to an older gentleman.

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